- "Maeda Gundan vs Rappapa, huh… Won't they collide on those small stairs?"
- ―Nezumi in Majijo Teppen Blues.(src)
The Maeda Gundan (前田軍団, Maeda Alliance?) was a temporary alliance formed to help Maeda Atsuko battle Rappapa. They served as back-up in case any unexpected disadvantages occurred. The team's name was not officially declared by the alliance members, and was a term coined by Nezumi in her strategic calculations. They became the next generation Rappapa after the graduation of Oshima Yuko, who passed leadership to Atsuko. In the second season, Nezumi mimicked the group in the formation of her "powered-up" Nezumi Corps, which she called Tsu No Ji Rengou.
Notable Members[]
Supposed Leader:
Alliance Members:
- Founders
- Onizuka Daruma (founder)
- Gakuran (co-founder)
- Kabuki Sisters (co-founders)
- Gundan can also be translated as Corps, Army or Legion.
- Nezumi only mentioned the term "Maeda Gundan" in Season 1, Episode 11's preview and in Majijo Teppen Blues.
Majisuka Jyogakuen | |
Maeda Gundan | Maeda Atsuko Onizuka Daruma | Gakuran | Kabuki Sisters (Ookabuki and Kokabuki) Erena | Choukoku | Shaku Team Hormone (Wota, Akicha, Bungee, Unagi and Mukuchi) Erena | Choukoku |
Rappapa | Nojima Yuriko | Oshima Yuko | Otabe Maeda Atsuko | Sado Center | Nezumi Gekikara | Torigoya | Black | Shibuya Shaku | Gakuran | Kabuki Sisters (Ookabuki and Kokabuki) Dance | Choukoku Oshima Yuka | Oshima Yuki Rappapa Guards | Team Hormone | Sanshou Sisters | Team Fondue Golden Eyebrow Society |
Tsu No Ji Rengou | Center | Nezumi Team Under | Team Fondue Golden Eyebrow Society |
Faculty | Nojima Yuriko Kiken | Kuuki |